ADAM Documentation


ADAM - Advanced Decision-Making And Management; a web-based tool used for analyzing and solving organic waste management problems. Click here to visit the ADAM webpage.

CAFO - Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation; a farm is defined as a CAFO if it contains over 1000 animal units (AU) that are confined for overr 45 days per year.

Customer - a person, place, or thing that demands products. Once a product is purchased by a customer, the product is removed from the system.

Design-Type Model - a model used for building supply chains in a system where the technologies do not yet exist.

Final Product - a product that is ready to be sold to a customer.

Intermediate Product - a product that can be used as an input to make other products.

Management-Type Model - a model used for determining how best to allocate resources within an existing system

OWM - Organic Waste Management; strategies by which organic waste is disposed.

Process Graph (P-Graph) - a diagram that contains all possible combinations of the technologies and products in the system.

Pseudo technology - a non-physical technology typically used to represent natural processes (e.g. the release of phosphrus into cropfields).

Raw Material - an unprocessed material used to make other products.

Supply Chain - a system of suppliers, technologies, transportation routes, etc. used to provide a product to the connsumer.

Technology - can be any equipment, factory, or process used to transform one product into another.

Technology Candidate - a location where a technology could be built but has not been built yet; a single location can be a technology candidate for multiple technologies.

Technology Site - a location where a technology (or pseudo technology) exists

Valuable product - a desired product that was created from the processing of waste (e.g. biogas, electricity, fertilizers, etc.)