ADAM Documentation

Welcome to ADAM Documentation!

About ADAM

ADAM is a web-based tool used for analyzing organic waste management (OWM) problems. These OWM problems involves the interactions between concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), waste management plants, cropfields, customers, etc. ADAM takes these interactions into account to determine the most economically-favorable product pathways and which technologies, if any, to install at certian sites.

By using ADAM, we can efficiently make case studies to explore the effects of farm concentration, product price changes, government incentives, etc. These case studies can then be used as a teaching tool to learn about a systems approach to waste managment, or can be used to futher research.

Check out ADAM here!


The Tutorial page

Biogas from Waste Example Walkthrough
Custom Model Example Walkthrough


Dashboard Tutorial

Case Study Documentation

Waste to Energy Documentation
Nutrient Pollution Control
Energy Incentives
Plastic Waste
Biogas Supply Chain Under FERC Order No. 2222

